50 Most Popular Board Games

One of my favorite activities is playing board games. However, it is sometimes hard to choose which one to play at the time.

This infographic is a quick guide that offers 50 different popular game options to consider depending on one’s mood and time availability.

Main infographic (first layer)

Second or hidden layer underneath the main infographic

See infographic PDF to zoom in on the details.

It is designed with 2 layers of information, with the second layer hidden underneath the modular sections that list the individual games.

The first layer of information includes game type, intended age range, and expected playing time—factors that determine which game people would choose. It also highlights the time and country of origin.

Players can lift up each modular section to see the second layer of information. It reveals additional context or historical background for the game. It also lists the skills needed in order to play or win.

There are a couple interesting key takeaways from this infographic:

  • With a few exceptions, the newer board games generally require more time to play than older games. This seems to align with the historical trend of people having more leisure time than before.
  • There were more abstract strategy games before 1900.
  • Strategy and war games became more popular since the 1940s.